check11.txt Edit this file and then submit it to autolab. Be *very brief* in your answers! Seriously. Brief. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your full name and andrew id: 2. The full names and andrew id's of your groupmates (if you worked collaboratively). 3. Term Project Assignment 3.1: How much time should you expect to spend on this assignment? 3.2: What do you need to do if, for the term project, you want to use a programming language that isn't Python, or if you want to make a non-interactive application? 3.3: What happens in a TP0 meeting? 3.4: Let's say you want to use Pygame for your project, but you don't complete the tech demo your mentor assigns by April 14th. Can you use Pygame anyway? 3.5: How amazing will the Term Project Showcase be? 3.6: While researching an API you're using online, you find a file on Github that accomplishes the part of your project that you've been dreading. Can you download that code and use it in your project? 3.7: How do you submit a TP3 file that is 25 MB in size? 3.8: Do you have to use version control for the term project? 3.9: Does your code need to be 100% complete at the TP2 meeting? 3.10: How long should your video demo be? 3.11: Can you submit TP3 late or use a grace day for it?